#961 - Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer cover

#961 - Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer

NaN minutesEpisode #961

Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as "Fingerprints Of The Gods" & his latest book "Magicians of the Gods". Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. Michael Shermer is a science writer, historian of science, founder of The Skeptics Society, and Editor in Chief of its magazine Skeptic.

Watch the full episode of #961 - Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer.

Episode Timestamps

  • Comet Impact Hypothesis: Michael Schirmer, Randall Carlson, and Graham Hancock Discuss Catastrophic Events

    • The discussion revolves around the hypothesis that a comet impact caused the extinction of North American megafauna at the end of the Ice Age.
    • Graham Hancock highlights a recent study interpreting Gobekli Tepe carvings as references to a comet impact approximately 12,900 years ago.
    • Randall Carlson shares his insights on the complex causes of extinction, emphasizing the significant role of climate change influenced potentially by a comet impact.
  • Skepticism in Archaeology: Michael Schirmer Challenges Alternative Theories on Comet Impacts

    • Michael Schirmer brings a skeptical view to alternative archaeological theories, focusing on the debate surrounding the comet impact hypothesis.
    • He discusses the challenges of distinguishing validity among numerous alternative archaeology claims and stresses mainstream scientific rigor.
    • Schirmer critiques the need for peer-reviewed backing for such hypotheses to gain credibility in the archaeological community.
  • Richard Hoeglen's Pyramids and Climate Consensus: A Dive into Anomalies and Evidence

    • Discussion of the varied theories surrounding the pyramids, referencing Richard Hoeglen's pattern-finding methods.
    • Explanation of climate consensus as a convergence of evidence from independent scientific conclusions.
    • Exploration of UFO sightings and the God of the gaps argument as it relates to unexplainable phenomena.
  • Gobekli Tepe: The Ancient Site that Challenges Our Understanding of Civilization

    • Introduction of Gobekli Tepe, a sophisticated megalithic site built 11,600 years ago, predating Stonehenge.
    • Discussion of the capabilities of hunter-gatherers in constructing advanced structures, defying previous archaeological beliefs.
    • Debate over the existence of lost civilizations and the evolving understanding of ancient societies through new discoveries.
  • Klaus Schmidt's Unveiling of Gobekli Tepe: A Revelation in Archaeology

    • Klaus Schmidt was the original excavator who revealed Gobekli Tepe's significance as an ancient site.
    • The site, which shows deliberate burial, challenges traditional views of hunter-gatherer societies' capabilities.
    • Recent findings suggest that the site may indicate advanced agricultural practices coinciding with its construction, hinting at a deeper understanding of organized civilization.
  • The Mystery of Gobekli Tepe: Exploring Ancient Innovations and Civilizations

    • Discussion on the implications of Gobekli Tepe challenges the perception of ancient human intelligence and societal structures.
    • The excavation suggests not only monumental architecture but also possibly advanced community organization and belief systems.
    • The lack of traditional archaeological findings (like pottery) raises questions about the lifestyle and purpose of the site's builders, hinting at a greater mystery of ancient civilization.
  • Göbekli Tepe's Enigmatic Builders: Hunter-Gatherers or Advanced Society?

    • Göbekli Tepe presents challenges to conventional archaeological theories about the role of hunter-gatherers in monumental construction.
    • The motivations behind constructing large projects during harsh environmental conditions remain unclear.
    • Debate continues on whether the builders had advanced social structures and agriculture, shifting the timeline of civilization's development.
  • Lost Civilizations: Graham Hancock's Quest for Forgotten Knowledge

    • Graham Hancock argues that traditional views on civilization's origins are incomplete, suggesting the existence of a lost civilization.
    • Paleoanthropological mysteries persist regarding the evolution of human cognition and social organization.
    • Hancock’s earlier work, 'Fingerprints of the Gods,' questioned established timelines and has gained recent recognition as science evolves.
  • Graham Hancock's Controversial Theories on Human Evolution and Gobekli Tepe

    • Graham Hancock discusses the role of shamanism and altered states of consciousness in human behavior evolution.
    • Hancock references Harvard scientist Richard Wrangham’s theories on the impact of cooking meat on brain development.
    • Debates arise over Gobekli Tepe's construction, exploring whether it was completed by advanced civilizations or hunter-gatherers.
  • Mark Defant's Critique of Hancock's Views on Ancient Civilizations

    • Mark Defant accuses Hancock of misrepresenting academic positions and claims he avoids proper debates.
    • Hancock defends his stance by highlighting past debates, particularly with renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass.
    • The discussion delves into the Book of Enoch, questioning the evidence behind claims of advanced civilizations influencing ancient societies.
  • Graham Hancock and Robert Schoch Debate the Ancient Mysteries of the Sphinx

    • Graham Hancock defends his views against mainstream archaeology's criticism, particularly regarding the Sphinx's age.
    • Robert Schoch claims there is geological evidence of rainfall erosion on the Sphinx, suggesting it could be much older than previously thought.
    • Discussions revolve around the implications of archaeological findings at Gobekli Tepe and how they relate to the potential history of civilization.
  • The Great Pyramids and the Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Construction

    • Hancock proposes the idea of ancient knowledge preservation among a close-knit group, akin to a monastery.
    • The conversation compares the construction of the Great Pyramids to earlier monumental architecture, examining gaps in historical records.
    • Schoch's geological evidence aligns with astronomical observations, raising questions about the timeline of construction at Giza.
  • Victoria's Catastrophic Floods Transform Nile Civilization Around 12,000 Years Ago

    • Massive floods documented to be 120 feet above the modern floodplain drastically changed the Egyptian environment.
    • Cultural and societal disruptions occurred, likely decimating the local population and labor force necessary for monumental construction.
    • This event marks a transition to desert conditions, requiring significant adaptation from the cultures along the Nile.
  • The Great Pyramid: Unraveling Mysteries Amidst Egyptologist Skepticism

    • The Great Pyramid's construction remains enigmatic, with a lack of contemporary inscriptions to support its timelines.
    • Disagreement persists among Egyptologists with challenges posed to mainstream views about the pyramids' origins and construction techniques.
    • The discussion highlights the often adversarial climate in academia for new ideas that contradict established beliefs in Egyptian archaeology.
  • The Debate Over the Megafauna Extinction: Humans, Climate Change, and Impact Hypothesis

    • Discusses the long-standing debate over the extinction of North American megafauna, including woolly mammoths.
    • Explores competing hypotheses such as overhunting by humans and climate change effects on animal populations.
    • Questions the validity of archaeological evidence linking human hunting to the extinction of numerous species.
  • Overturning Clovis First: The Paradigm Shift in Human Migration and Megafauna Hunting

    • Describes the falling dominance of the Clovis First model in favor of earlier human presence in the Americas as evidenced by new findings.
    • Highlights the controversial status and eventual vindication of archaeologist Jackson Mars regarding human activity with mammoths.
    • Illustrates ongoing debates within the archaeological community on the timeline of human arrival and their relationship with megafauna.
  • Jack Sankt-Mars Faces Skepticism Over 24,000-Year-Old Evidence at Smithsonian

    • Jack Sankt-Mars presents evidence for the age of Bluefish Caves, claiming it dates back 24,000 years.
    • The archaeological community has largely dismissed his findings, often ignoring his contributions.
    • Sankt-Mars argues that mainstream archaeology is stuck in outdated beliefs, particularly the Clovis first theory.
  • Debate on Migration Theories: From Siberia to North America

    • The discussion includes various migration hypotheses, including potential maritime routes taken by early humans.
    • Skeptics highlight the lack of conclusive archaeological evidence for multiple early migratory events.
    • The conversation touches on genetics, with references to Denisovan DNA found in specific groups but absent in North American Indians.
  • Graham Hancock and the Clovis First Controversy in American Archaeology

    • The Clovis First hypothesis dominated American archaeology for decades, making it risky for archaeologists to propose older sites.
    • Archaeologists like Tom Dillerhey and Jack St. Mars suffered professional repercussions for challenging Clovis First.
    • Evidence from sites like Valsiquillo in Mexico suggests human presence 230,000 years ago, but mainstream archaeology often dismisses such findings.
  • The Debate Over Mainstream Archaeology: Graham Hancock vs. Michael Cremo

    • Michael Cremo's controversial claims in 'Forbidden Archaeology' suggest humans existed tens of millions of years ago, igniting fierce debate.
    • Graham Hancock defends alternative theories against criticism, emphasizing the need to consider divergent viewpoints and evidence.
    • The ongoing dispute among scientists regarding theories like the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis highlights the lack of consensus in archaeology.
  • Mark DeFant and the Controversy Surrounding the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

    • Mark DeFant dismisses the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis without detailed debate, sparking controversy.
    • Carbon 14 dating irregularities complicate the understanding of the Younger Dryas event.
    • Recent findings by James Kennett suggest multiple impact events correlated with the Younger Dryas climate changes.
  • The Cosmic Comet Theory: Understanding the Younger Dryas Through Astronomy

    • Discussion of multiple comet fragments impacting Earth around 12,800 years ago during the Younger Dryas.
    • Fred Hoyle's hypothesis suggests a correlation between comet impacts and rapid temperature increases at the end of the Younger Dryas.
    • Concerns are raised about the torrid meteor stream potentially causing future Earth impacts, highlighting the need for continued scientific attention.
  • Jordan Peterson and the Myth of Atlantis: Plato's Cultural Commentary

    • Jordan Peterson's interpretation of myths as moral lessons influences the discussion.
    • Plato's dating of Atlantis coincides with significant geological changes, suggesting historical roots for the myth.
    • Speculation arises about the existence of advanced cultures in the mid-Atlantic during the Ice Age.
  • Geographical Speculations: Danny Hillman Natawidjaja and Indonesia's Atlantis

    • Geologist Danny Hillman Natawidjaja proposes Indonesia's Gunung Padang as a site linked to Atlantis.
    • Massive flooding at the end of the Ice Age reshaped landscapes, potentially erasing advanced civilizations.
    • The debate kicks off over differing theories about historical flooding events and their implications.
  • Graham Hancock Defends His Theories Against Misrepresentation by Mark Defant

    • Graham Hancock argues that Mark Defant misrepresents his understanding of Newton's physics in a recent review.
    • Hancock clarifies that his references to ancient texts, such as the Book of Enoch, were not personal claims but reports of historical accounts.
    • The discussion highlights the tension between Hancock's speculative theories about ancient civilizations and Defant's skepticism as a scientist.
  • Mark Defant Critiques Hancock's Changing Views on Cataclysms and Comets

    • Mark Defant challenges Hancock on his previous claims regarding a lost civilization and its destruction due to comet strikes.
    • Hancock discusses the evolution of his views, asserting his right to adapt his theories based on new evidence.
    • The debate brings attention to the clash between scientific rigor and speculative history concerning Earth’s cataclysmic events.
  • Schmidt's Revelations on Gobekli Tepe: Debunking 'Magicians of the Gods'

    • Schmidt spent 20 years at Gobekli Tepe, finding only evidence of hunter-gatherers.
    • Criticism of the notion that a superior civilization was responsible for the megaliths.
    • Discussion of the Apkalu in Sumerian texts and their alleged magical powers.
  • Clashman's Perspective: Gobekli Tepe as an Agricultural Innovations Hub

    • Clashman proposes Gobekli Tepe as a center for spreading knowledge and agriculture.
    • Argument against the idea that Easter Island was established by hunter-gatherers.
    • Debate on the existence of lost civilizations influencing known archaeological sites.
  • Wally Broker and the Controversial Theories of Glacial Lake Agassiz Flooding

    • Discussion about massive floods along the Mississippi River and the origins of Finger Lakes in New York.
    • Debate between Wally Broker's theories and the geological evidence surrounding Glacial Lake Agassiz.
    • Conflict arises over whether features like drumlins and eskers were formed by glacial processes or subglacial floods.
  • Documenting the Missoula Floods: Mark's Insights into Geologic History

    • Highlighting the significance of the Missoula floods and their impact on the landscape.
    • Discussion on the different flood regimes and the complexity of dating sediment in floodplains.
    • Contentious dialogue around the validity of multiple flood hypotheses presented by geologists.
  • Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock Discuss Impacts and the Comet Hypothesis

    • Randall Carlson emphasizes the need to understand planetary transitions and unresolved issues from the last ice age.
    • Graham Hancock debates the comet impact hypothesis, citing the challenges of comet fragmentation.
    • Mark McCombs, part of the Comet research group, joins to discuss significant findings related to a platinum anomaly indicating a possible comet impact.
  • Malcolm Lecompte Explores Extraterrestrial Impact Evidence with Randall Carlson

    • Malcolm Lecompte questions the evidence supporting comet impacts and suggests an extraterrestrial origin for certain geological patterns.
    • Lecompte discusses the importance of replicated studies in supporting the impact hypothesis.
    • Evidence of platinum, iridium, and osmium found at impact sites suggests an extraterrestrial origin, challenging previous theories.
  • Malcolm's Cosmic Insights: Evidence of Asteroid Impact and Its Proxies

    • Malcolm discusses his findings of cosmic impact proxies, indicating an asteroid rather than a comet.
    • Abundant evidence from impact spherals and platinum group elements supports his claims of a significant cosmic event.
    • Challenges faced by Malcolm's research include opposition from skeptics who do not adequately engage with the published literature.
  • Debating Cosmic Cataclysms: Malcolm Examines Global Evidence Across Continents

    • Malcolm highlights global evidence, including findings in South America and Europe, suggesting a far-reaching impact event.
    • The research shows morphological similarities between Younger Dryas boundary materials and known impact proxies.
    • Despite skepticism and challenges in proving impact events, Malcolm remains committed to uncovering critical evidence across various regions.
  • Malcolm on Megafauna Extinction: Hunting, Religion, and Environmental Factors Debate

    • Malcolm discusses the impact of human technological advancements like the Clovis point and spear tips on megafauna extinction.
    • Debates arise regarding the hypothesis that religious beliefs may have played a role in the extinction of megafauna.
    • Exploration of hunting strategies targeting vulnerable female woolly mammoths, highlighting human influence on extinction.
  • Randall's Insights on the Scablands: Historical Catastrophes and Megafauna Evidence

    • Randall shares personal experiences that sparked his interest in science while exploring the scablands as a young naval officer.
    • Discussion includes significant geological features and historical flood events shaping the landscape.
    • Continued examination of bone deposits indicating possible extinction causes beyond just human hunting, including environmental impacts.
  • The Mysterious Flash Frozen Woolly Mammoth: A Case Study in Rapid Climate Change

    • A six-ton woolly mammoth was rapidly frozen during a river bank collapse in spring, preserving its soft tissue and undigested food.
    • The mammoth exhibited unusual physical traits suggesting it suffered violent suffocation before freezing.
    • Comparisons are made to the iceman, Ötzi, showing how rapidly he was preserved under snow and ice, also revealing the slow progress of scientific investigation into ancient artifacts.
  • Uncovering the Secrets of Mastodons: The Impact of Natural Catastrophes

    • Excavations revealed a mastodon's skeleton crushed and disturbed, raising speculation about powerful forces causing its destruction.
    • Evidence suggests the animals might have been victims of sudden natural events, supported by parallels drawn with ancient dinosaur remains.
    • Discussion on the historical significance of mammoth ivory trade reveals a continuous human interaction with these species long after their extinction.
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