Episode Transcript: #961 - Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer
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3, 2, this is live ladies and gentlemen and this is a very unusual podcast we're going
to have here and a very unusual discussion.
I have to my left Michael Schirmer, very famous skeptic, he's been on the podcast before,
of course Randall Carlson, amazing gentleman who knows far too much about terrifying things
like asteroids and Graham Hancock author also a fantastic human being many times been on
this podcast as well and this all came out of a podcast that Randall and Graham and I
did recently and Michael Schirmer commented on it and it was all essentially on the hypothesis
that the great extinction that happened with the North American land animals that happened
around the end of the ice age and the abrupt end of the ice age being caused by a comet
Michael Schirmer had some questions about that and we said this would be an amazing
podcast to get everybody together in a room and go over this.
Since then there's been some interesting stuff that's happened.
I thought this is really fascinating that Forbes has a mainstream article in Forbes
did a comet wipe out ice age megafauna and this is actually from just a couple of weeks
ago and then there was also this interpretation that's fairly recent as well about one of
the stone tablets, one of the stone carvings rather on go back to tepe and Graham you would
probably be the best to describe that.
Yeah that was published in Mediterranean, Mediterranean archaeology and archaeometry
and peer review journal by a couple of scientists from the University of Edinburgh and they