Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #131 with Demetrious Johnson
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The Joe Rogan Experience
What's happening my friend good to see you good to see you good to see you thriving out there in the world
Just trying to do my best dude you're killing it. It's beautiful beautiful that comeback win was fucking fantastic
Thanks, man. It was great to see thank you. How the fuck are you still so good? You haven't slipped at all
Honestly, I think it's just a training
my mindset the team around me and
Just honestly trying to get better every single time I step in the cage the lighter weight classes though
I've always felt like there's a short window of excellence
You know like even in boxing it seems like it's like nine ten years at peak form, but you defy that
You know you really do man. Yeah, you're still like as good as ever
It could be because I'm black give you my genetics. I have no idea
I can't just be that because there's a lot of people that are also black that haven't been able to do that
Yeah, that's true. I think it's I think what you're saying is it's also technique your technique has always been paramount
You know it's always like the forefront of everything
Honestly believe is probably just my upbringing in mixed martial arts, right and even you know, I was talking to people the other day
And I said I started when I was 18 like in
Martial arts if you count some people don't count wrestling as a
Martial arts. Oh, you should right I do. Yeah, I do
So I started in middle school and then once I got out of high school. I didn't go to college to wrestle