Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #140 with Gillian Robertson
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
How long do you have to stop smoking weed before you'll test positive?
Usually about five days.
Five days before a fight?
If you're smoking straight flour, but if you're smoking like oil, dabs, anything like that, then you need a little bit more time.
You got down to a science?
I figured it out when I tested positive one fight, because I was smoking oil and I stopped five days out.
Oh, smoking oil. Those wacky kids and their dabs and oil.
You guys go too far. You guys go too far.
There's way too many ways now, I feel like.
You go to dark places. You do dabs, you go to dark places.
Yeah, especially with dabs, I'm like that's the next level extreme.
Yeah, I'm not interested in that. You just get too far gone. You don't even know how to move your hands right.
There's this stuff that, I'm a medical patient in Florida, and there's stuff you can get from the dispensary.
It's like, literal nose drops. And that shit makes you, literally I feel like I can't form sentences.
Is this a spray?
Yeah, it's just like a nasal spray.
There's so many wacky people in Austin spraying ketamine up their nose. It is a real issue.
We had a girl go into a K-hole at our comedy club the other night.