Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #165 with Jiří Procházka
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The Joe Rogan experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
Great to have you in, man.
Great to be here.
How you feeling?
You must be feeling fantastic.
Many things were successful, so even if I was a little bit, had a flu, many things...
You had a flu before that fight?
Yeah, for one week, like five days.
Five days before five weeks, I was in, how to say that?
Heat, like bodies...
Fever, yeah, fever.
That's crazy.
That was something, but every time.
And maybe I'm a little bit glad for that because I'm every time trying to push my preparation
too much that I'm every time like hurt myself or I'm overtrained.
So that's why I'm maybe just a little bit glad for that.