Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #45 with Justin Wren & Rafael Lovato Jr.
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Five, four, three, two, one.
Boom, and we're live with my friend Justin Ren
in the house and one of the baddest motherfuckers
on the planet, Rafael Levato.
Dude, I'm bum that you're, I'm happy that you're doing well,
but I'm bum you're fighting for Bellator.
I really am, man.
I wanna, I wanna commentate your fights.
I know for a fact that Bellator right now is like,
is high, it's a higher level than it's ever been before.
I mean, you look at, they've got Musasi,
you, Rory McDonald, Lima, you know, Paul Daly.
Machita's about to fight.
Machita, I mean, it's fucking high level now, man.
It's like Bellator is very close to comparable.
I would love to see you over in the UFC.
Yeah, well, we'll see what happens,