Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #57 with T.J. Dillashaw
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Here we go five four three two one TJ yo, how are you brother? I'm doing good man. What is it like now?
What is this?
What it but first of all what was it like that night if her people don't know?
Mm-hmm. Let me just give you the rundown just so you don't have to say it cool
You were involved in one of the most high-profile flyweight fights ever mm-hmm either Bannaway champion
Drop down the flyweight you went through this
training routine to get your body down to a
Manageable weight where you can cut the last ten pounds or so and make 125 the fight starts
So who don't lands a good shot early? There's a lot of a lot of action and the referee stops the fight and I
Was I was shook by it everybody that I was watching the fight with was like what the fuck
Do it and it was almost universal like no one thought it was a good stop. It's one of those stoppages where no one goes
Yeah, it's a good stop. It's a stoppage. No one everybody was like what the fuck you jumped off and you're like dude
Come on come on man. It's been rough man. It's a rough one that won't rough one to swallow on on multiple reasons
You know like you say you think he landed a good shot
The everything's being overshadowed by this shot that landed behind my ear, you know
I was over off balance. I threw a right hand. I came in a little too aggressive. That's the way I fight right?
He pushed me over I was off balance through a kick
I blocked it and he went to throw a right hand
I tried to dip out of the way and it's one of those shots that hits you behind the head like right behind the ear