JRE MMA Show #9 with Jeff Novitzky cover

Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #9 with Jeff Novitzky

NaN minutesEpisode #9
Jeff Novitzky

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4 3 2 1 ladies and gentlemen Jeff Novitsky. How are you buddy? What's up Joe doing good?


I have to ask you do you mind the nickname the golden snitch? It's the first thing I was gonna bring up


This golden snitch bullshit. I


Just want to say it's not my nickname. It's Brennan jobs. He came up with it a hundred percent on his own


I was gonna ask you it's all good though. It's all good. It's all good


So a couple funny stories about that so when did you come up with this about a year ago? At least yeah


So so people in the office started coming up to me saying hey golden snitch


What the hell's that?


Do a little research. I see something about Harry Potter some character named there. I'm like what the hell does this have to do with me?


So about a month ago somebody lets me know hey check out wikipedia


So for whatever reason there's a Jeff Novitsky wiki pedia page


You go to that page now it says says actually my formal name Jeffrey John Novitsky aka the golden snitch


So last week


Donna Marcolini, you know Donna


Long 15 year employee of the UFC now works with me and talk about her a little later. It's a great asset to what we're doing


She sends me a text. She says check this out. So she's got one of those Amazon echoes


Alexa I think so she says Alexa who's Jeff Novitsky and Alexa's name says Jeffrey John Novitsky aka the golden snitch


So thanks a lot shop


What have you done? That's a layer. I love Donna. She's amazing. She's awesome. So she's over there


She's yeah, I mean you know about kind of her history. She's one of the five original employees of UFC was Dana's assistant to start out with

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