Episode Transcript: JRE MMA Show #93 with Alexander Volkanovski
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Love not okay. No here we go three two one
The champ is here. How are you sir? I'm good. I'm good. How are you sucker up about a bit closer?
Yeah, like a fist from your face. All right. Is that good to see a brother? What's happening?
Oh, not for much mate. Not for much just has it settled in that you're the champ. Oh, yeah
Yeah, I feel real or yeah. Yeah, it's it's settled in you know, I mean like it's weird
It's a hard to explain like I'm the top of person that you know as soon as I'm home
I'm daddy on the regular bloke that everyone knew me 10 years ago
Mm-hmm, but at the same time obviously you got you know the the media obligations and everything needs to be done
So it's you know, it is different. You're gonna get recognized a little bit more on the street
But what is it like in Australia now? Do people get excited to see you now? Yeah? Yeah, Australia, you know, obviously
That's where I'm from so that's a you know the supports are big especially where I'm locally like you know every time I fight
Literally out there in our city like stops, you know just to watch the city
Woollen gong the gong say it again woollen gong woollen gong the gong
Where's the gong the gong to south of Sydney? Oh, okay. Yeah close. So you go to Sydney when you want to get crazy
Not really I don't I don't do too much a
Partying on that except for a couple of days ago when we're in Vegas so Vegas got me got me good
Did it get you after is he won got me before and after?
So yeah, I mean I'm in real struggle straight, but that we good. Well, we get you some water
We got water. I did need electrolytes. Oh, yeah