environment Episodes - Page 3

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#1958 - Andrew Huberman

NaN min

Andrew Huberman, PhD, is a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. Andrew is also the host of the Huberman Lab podcast, which aims to help viewers and listeners improve their health with science and science-based tools. New episodes air every Monday on YouTube and all podcast platforms. www.hubermanlab.com

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#1950 - Derek Wolfe

NaN min

Derek Wolfe is a 10 year veteran of the NFL, Super Bowl 50 champion, bowhunter, outdoorsman, and host of "The Drive" on Denver Sports radio. https://www.youtube.com/@WOLFEUNTAMED95

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#1933 - Jordan Peterson

NaN min

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a clinical psychologist, the author of several best-selling books, among them "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos," and "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life," and the host of "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast." www.jordanbpeterson.com

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#1932 - Merlin Tuttle

NaN min

Dr. Merlin Tuttle is an ecologist, wildlife photographer, and conservationist who has studied bats and championed their preservation for over 60 years. He's the founder of Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation, home to his legacy and devoted to research, education and the conservation of bats. www.merlintuttle.org

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#1928 - Jimmy Corsetti & Ben van Kerkwyk

NaN min

Jimmy Corsetti is the independent researcher behind "Bright Insight": a YouTube channel exploring ancient mysteries and lost civilizations. Ben van Kerkwyk is an independent researcher and creator of UnchartedX.com and the UnchartedX YouTube channel, dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the past with a focus on ancient engineering, precision, and technology. www.youtube.com/c/BrightInsight   www.rumble.com/c/BrightInsight www.unchartedx.com   www.youtube.com/c/unchartedx

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#1927 - Forrest Galante

NaN min

Forrest Galante is an international wildlife adventurer, conservationist, author of "Still Alive: A Wild Life of Rediscovery" and host on Discovery Channel. www.instagram.com/forrest.galante

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#1926 - Matt McCusker & Shane Gillis

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Matt McCusker is a comedian, writer, and proud co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast." Shane Gillis is a stand-up comedian and co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast." Also look for "Gilly and Keeves" sketches on YouTube, a new sketch show created by John McKeever and Shane Gillis.

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#1918 - John Reeves, from The Boneyard Alaska

NaN min

John Reeves is an Alaskan gold miner who first came to public prominence on the 2012 National Geographic docu-series "Goldfathers." More recently, his ongoing search for gold uncovered the remains of thousands of Ice Age animals lying beneath the permafrost on his property. The discovery is featured in the 2019 documentary "Boneyard Alaska" and popular Instagram account @theboneyardalaska. www.fairbanksgoldco.com

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#1908 - Erika Thompson

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Erika Thompson is the owner and founder of Texas Beeworks: an organization promoting public awareness and education about the valuable work bees and beekeepers do. www.texasbeeworks.com

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#1899 - Yannis Pappas

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Yannis Pappas is a stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. He's also the host of the "LongDays with Yannis Pappas" podcast. Watch his special, "Mom Love," now available on YouTube. www.yannispappascomedy.com

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#1896 - Bjørn Lomborg

NaN min

Bjorn Lomborg is a statistician and director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center. He is also the author of several books, among them "False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet," "The Skeptical Environmentalist," and "Cool It." www.lomborg.com

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#1893 - Will Harris

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Will Harris is a fourth-generation cattleman and farmer. He's the owner of White Oak Pastures: a family farm utilizing regenerative agriculture and humane animal husbandry practices. www.whiteoakpastures.com

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#1884 - Anthony Kiedis

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Anthony Kiedis is a founding member and lead vocalist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Look for their new albums "Unlimited Love" and "Return of the Dream Canteen" wherever you buy or stream music. www.redhotchilipeppers.com

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#1867 - Eddie Bravo

NaN min

Eddie Bravo is a champion martial artist, founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, musician, stand-up comic, and author of the soon to be released book, "Mastering The Metal: The Story of James Watson & Eddie Bravo." www.10thplanetjj.com

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